東亞諸眾會議 2013 之 「後佔領 (藝術/行動) 研究」︳ East Asia Multitude Meeting 2013: Post-Occupy (art/activism) Study

for eng vesion, plx roll down




本活動為「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」系列其中之一活動。

日   期: 22/6 (SAT)
時   間: 2:30 - 6:00 p.m
地   點: Hidden Agenda,香港牛頭角大業街15-17號永富工業大廈2樓A室

fb: www.facebook.com/events/187696441390688/


江上賢一郎(福崗)// 輻射戰爭中的藝術──運動與新的共同的創造
松本哉 (東京)//有關喝酒和共識決策的什麼什麼
高俊宏 (台北)//群島思想﹣有沒有這樣的無政府樣式

策    劃:活化廳

查    詢:9558 9394(峰)

# 討論將以主要以廣東話、國語及英語進行

# 會後大家可留低飲飲食食傾下計打邊爐派對,歡迎自備酒水食物樂器...etc


江上賢一郎:獨立研究者、 攝影行動者。目前生活於日本福岡。在英國求學期間,開始參與政治社會運動, 並以攝影紀錄歐洲與日本的政治行動。 他的研究興趣為禮物美學、政治運動的人類學研究、無政府主義、 政治攝影等,從2010年起,他於福岡組織藝術與藝術行動工作坊。





East Asia Multitude Meeting 2013: Post-Occupy (art/activism) Study

In 2012, art/activist group, such as Amateur Revolt(Tokyo) G Straight Café (Taipei) gather at HK, and organized the East Asia Multitude Meeting at the plaza underneath main building of HSBC in Central, to discuss what the World after Revolution the artists/ activists pursuit. Having no cause for action, East Asia multitudes spontaneously gather at HK again to share the latest situation of .social movement from their local context.

This year, the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong ended, while the activists find a new base in Yau Ma Tei keeps continuing the way of living as a movement against capitalism, meanwhile, another Occupy Central movement is brewing. Though these two Occupy movements may be varied in nature, the first movement gave us a lesson and provided grounds for discussion on the World after Revolution so as to illustrate the "post-occupy" imagination for the future.

In the meeting,  Hajime Matsumoto from Amateur Revolt(Tokyo) and Kenichiro Egami, a researcher from Fukuoka would tell us the changes in social movement in Japan after 311 nuclear attack; Elaine Ho from Beijing will share experience in running HomeShop, an independent art space for interactions with the local community; Kao Jun-Honn to explain recent situation of art-activism in Taiwan in the areas of social, political and spacial happenings, as well as his practice reacting to those issues as an artist; and a member of Tak Cheong Lane to speak for their activities in Yau Ma Tei.

This meeting is one of the programmes under Art/Activism Residence 2013.

Date: June 22,2013 (Sat)
Time: 2:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Hidden Agenda (2A, Wing Fu Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong)

Kenichiro Egami (Fukuoka) // The Art of Radiation War –Creation of Movement and New Common
Hajime Matsumoto (Tokyo) // All about Drinking and Consensus Making in East Asia
Kao Jun-Honn (Taipei) // Island Thinking – Is There Such an Anarchistic Model?
Elaine Ho (Beijing) // Homeshop: On the problem of autonomy in artist-run spaces
Tak Cheong Lane (Hong Kong) // ?

Organized by Wooferten
Enquiry: 9558 9394 (Fung)

有關「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」:

「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」是一個期望結連亞洲及本地具政治/社會關注的藝術家/行動者網絡進而相互啟發的駐場計劃。計劃期間將開展一系列駐場創作、藝術行動、工作坊、講座等交流及協作活動,讓藝術家/行動者連接到本土社區,以創作計劃梳理當中的經驗;另一方面,我們亦期望讓此計劃作為一社會批判/政治性藝術的實踐/實驗平台,深化未來建立相關論述的基礎。最後,我們期望藉著藝術家/行動者之間的交流,開闊彼此經驗交流和可能性的互換,及至在未來相互協作,提供一個「東亞諸眾」的平台的可能。

Art/Activist-in-Residence (AAiR) 2013 aims to build up dialogue, networks and platform, for the development of art activism in East Asia. This residence programme will connect artists/ activists with social-political consciousness/practice from Hong Kong and Asia by organizing a series of collaborative activities and exchange programs, e.g. art actions, workshops and talks, linking up the artists/ activists with the local community. AAiR is also a platform for practicing and experimenting social / political art, so as to provide discourse for future study. lastly, by bringing about dialogue among artist and activist, we hope to provide more exchange and discussion, hence possiblities for working together in the future.