梁志剛是一名設計師、養蜂人和都市農夫。他於倫敦長大,現於油麻地居住四年。他致力從事與香港城市及居民所啟發而來的社會文化及生態環境項目。他的工作範圍甚廣,包括為故人製作的紙紮品及至城市種植計劃 HK Farm 。他也是HK Honey 的創辦人和創作總監,一個由養蜂人、藝術家和設計師參與,致力宣揚蜜蜂的生態價值和土產蜜糖益處的機構。最近,梁志剛透過HK Salt延續他對本土食物的熱情,踏上一個月的創作之旅,製造出100% 香港產的本地海鹽。
Michael Leung is a designer, beekeeper and urban farmer. He is originally from London and has been living in Yau Ma Tei for four years. He focuses on socio-cultural and environmental projects that are inspired by people and the Hong Kong context and urban environment. His work ranges from conceptual objects for people who have passed away to urban agriculture projects such as HK Farm. Michael is the founder and creative director of HK Honey - an organisation of Hong Kong beekeepers, artists and designers that aim to communicate the value of bees and benefits of locally produced honey. His passion for local food continues in a recent project called HK Salt where he embarked on a one-month creative journey in the pursuit of locally produced salt in Hong Kong.