藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013 ︳藝術家簡報
Art/ Activist-in-Residence Programme 2013 ︳Artists Talk
梁志剛 x 盧樂謙
社區耕種計劃 x 油麻地街頭運動會
Michael Leung x Him Lo
Community Farming Project x Yaumatei Sport Day
《藝術 / 行動者駐場計劃》是一個為期3個月的駐場計劃,期望接連藝術家至油麻地草根社群,並以藝術行動介入探討為社區帶來轉變的可能性。兩位本地駐場藝術家,梁志剛及盧樂謙分別在這幾個月期間在油麻地進行了一連串實驗計劃,並於1月4日於活化廳進行成果簡報,分享駐場期間的經驗觀察。
梁志剛(Michael Leung) 的「社區耕種計劃」考察油麻地區內各種都市種植的可能性,不論是開發天台園圃及至街坊在路牌上打遊擊的種植方法,他以記錄、連線合作及親自實踐,勾勒在這高密度都市中開發一片自主生產種植的可能性。他亦在是次計劃製作了一份油麻地社區網絡的地圖,並於活化廳派發。盧樂謙(Him lo) 於九月份發動「油麻地街頭運動會」,期間藉不同工作坊與街坊/參加者商討運用區內公共空間作不同比賽項目的可能性,最後舉行了第一季油麻地街頭運動會;從考驗身手的天橋底梅花樁競賽、榕樹頭高爾夫球大賽、果欄挺舉賽、考驗講價技巧的街市買餸障礙賽等,玩轉公共空間的使用方式之餘,過程與社區人士開展有趣的對話,重提社區下而上自發策動活動的重要性。
Art/Activist-in-Residence programme strives to connect artists and grassroots community of Yaumatei through art activities so as to investigate possibilities of changes on the community. Michael Leung and Him Lo, two local artists who spent several months on different experiments in Yaumatei is going to share with you their experiences and observations on Jan 4 (Sat) at Wooferten.
Michael Leung – Community Farming Project investigated possibilities of different urban agriculture, e.g. rooftop, street sign planter, by documentation, collaboration with neighbors and practices, which outlined alternatives of farming in this high-density city. A map of Yaumatei community was made and printed, which is now available for free at Wooferten. Him Lo – Yaumatei Sports Day aimed to open discussion with neighbors on community imagination and connection, as well as provide context to reflect the use of public space.
Please come join us at this Artist Talk to know more about our project and communities.
日 期 Date:4/1/2014 (六 Sat)
時 間 Time:2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
地 點 Venue:活化廳 Wooferten(上海街404號地下 G/F, 404 Shanghai Street, Yaumatei)
社區耕種計劃 ︳梁志剛 & 街坊
Community Farming Project ︳ Michael Leung & Neighbors
Community Farming Project is a direct, tangible & community-based collection of urban agriculture projects rooted in Yau Ma Tei. Supported by Woofer ten, these urban agriculture projects are grown from the street level with the Yau Ma Tei community. From the bottom up and from the rooftop down. Relationships, stories, neighborhood interactions will be documented & archived for public reference. Community Farming Project is part of the Woofer ten AAiR2013 program*.
# 油麻地地圖可於Kubrick 或活化廳免費索取
# Yau Ma Tei map available for free from Kubrick or Wooferten
展覽地點: Kubrick 油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園 H2地舖
展覽日期: 1/12 - 31/12/2013
開放時間: 11:30 a.m - 22:00 p.m
Exhibition Venue: Kubrick, Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei
Exhibition Dates: 1/12 - 31/12/2013
Opening Hours: 11:30 a.m - 22:00 p.m
油麻地街頭運動會 ︳盧樂謙
Yaumatei Sports Day ︳Him Lo
1. 社區想像: 在城市的生活中,為何需要天馬行空的時候。2. 反思公共空間 :從過往到現在人們如何使用公共空間,透過公共空間反思權力的問題。3. 街坊的連結: 希望透過活動連結街坊,加強社區網絡,希望從而解決生活在城市中的孤獨感。
1. 橋城決戰梅花樁 2. 奶路臣街街市障礙賽 3. 廟街石地滾球 4. 上海街Golf大師賽 5. 挺舉果欄大力士
SPORT 1 – Downtown Battle on Piles
SPORT 2 – The Golfer @ Shanghai Street
SPORT 3 – Hercules @ Fruit Market
SPORT 4 – Steeplechase @ Nelson St. Outdoor Market
SPORT 5 – The Bowler @ Temple Street
有關藝術家 ︳About the artists:
盧樂謙|Him Lo ︳www.himlo.com
Him Lo is a multidisciplinary artist based in HK. He graduated from Middlesex University (BA in Illustration) in 2004, and RMIT University (BA in Fine Arts) in 2008. His work is mainly a quest of the form of existence in the city. He focuses in the relations between the ego and physical. Through violent and dark expression, he expressed time with a sense of emergency. He is now the director of Hong Kong House of Stories.
梁志剛 |Michael Leung ︳www.hkhoney.org
梁志剛是一名設計師、養蜂人和都市農夫。他於倫敦長大,現於油麻地居住四年。他致力從事與香港城市及居民所啟發而來的社會文化及生態環境項目。他的工作範圍甚廣,包括為故人製作的紙紮品及至城市種植計劃 HK Farm 。他也是HK Honey 的創辦人和創作總監,一個由養蜂人、藝術家和設計師參與,致力宣揚蜜蜂的生態價值和土產蜜糖益處的機構。最近,梁志剛透過HK Salt延續他對本土食物的熱情,踏上一個月的創作之旅,製造出100% 香港產的本地海鹽。
Michael Leung is a designer, beekeeper and urban farmer. He is originally from London and has been living in Yau Ma Tei for four years. He focuses on socio-cultural and environmental projects that are inspired by people and the Hong Kong context and urban environment. His work ranges from conceptual objects for people who have passed away to urban agriculture projects such as HK Farm. Michael is the founder and creative director of HK Honey - an organisation of Hong Kong beekeepers, artists and designers that aim to communicate the value of bees and benefits of locally produced honey. His passion for local food continues in a recent project called HK Salt where he embarked on a one-month creative journey in the pursuit of locally produced salt in Hong Kong.
*「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」由香港藝術發展局贊助
*AAiR 2013 program is supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council