是次「茨廠街社區藝術計劃」將首度展出兩年來的行動成果。包括茨廠街的歷史照片、口述歷史、短片紀錄、記錄當地生活文化凡黑膠老唱片等等。在開幕當天,藝術家將於活化廳進行兩場行為藝術展演。包括:由張吉安+ Rainf 策動的《一盂水泥》及一眾成員街頭煮食馬拉餐的《Malaysian Rojak 馬來撈雜請你食》行動。
此外,「茨廠街社區藝術計劃」成員也會在 7月20日(六) 於活化廳舉行交流講座,與香港各界藝術家及保育人士分享馬來西亞老街的現況,當中的經驗和困難。歡迎各界人士參與。
Wooferten invited members of Petaling Street Community Art Project (Kuala Lumpur) to share with us photos, oral history and short documentary of this old street as well as LP records in this July.
In July 2011, property developer expropriated the land stiff and ruined the contours of both Petaling Street and Sultan Street in Malaysia, so as to expand the Rail Transit System, which made lots of dissenting voices amongst the general public and stimulated a series of preservation actions. A group of artists from different disciplines initiated Petaling Street Community Art Project to prevent and preserve the heritage and community of this old town with humanity by profound guided tours, oral histories, street performances and guerilla art actions. This project brings the public to this old town community in Kuala Lumpur and enlightens them to treasure it as well as its surroundings.
At the opening, you can enjoy two live performances and Malaysian food cooked by the artists. DON’T miss it. Come join us on July 19 (Fri) at 6:30 pm!
Last but not least, an artist talk will be held on July 20 (Sat). If you want to know more about Petaling Street and situation of social movement in Malaysia, visit Wooferten again.
展覽日期: 7月19日(五) 至 8月4日(日) | 下午2時 至 8時
開 幕 + 行為展演: 7月19日(五) | 下午 6時30分
講 座:7月20日(六) | 下午 2時30分 (討論將主要以廣東話進行)
地 點: 活化廳 (九龍油麻地上海街404號地下)
查 詢:3485 6499/wooferten@gmail.com
(Kuala Lumpur) Petaling Street Community Art Project - Exhibition + Artist Talk
Exhibition Date: July 19 (Fri) – August 4 (Sun) | 2 – 8 pm
Talk Date: July 20 (Sat) | 6 pm
Venue: Wooferten (G/F, 404 Shanghai Street, Yaumatei)
Enquiry: 3485 6499 / wooferten@gmail.com
有關 「 茨廠街社區藝術計劃」|Petaling Street Community Art Project:
成員:楊兩興 Yeoh Lian Heng、 張吉安Chong Keat Aun、劉啟暉 Low Khay Hooi 、徐儀雯 See Yee Wen、藍氏君Tsuji Lam、黃秀娟 Wong Siew Jiuan、梁莉思 Leong Lih Sy
www.facebook.com/PetalingCAP |www.petalingstreetnews.blogspot.hk
有關 「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」︳art/activist in residence 2013:
「藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」是一個期望結連亞洲及本地具政治/社會關注的藝術家/行動者網絡進而相互啟發的駐場計劃。計劃期間將開展一系列駐場創作、藝術行動、工作坊、講座等交流及協作活動,讓藝術家/行動者連接到本土社區,以創作計劃梳理當中的經驗;另一方面,我們亦期望讓此計劃作為一社會批判/政治性藝術的實踐/實驗平台,深化未來建立相關論述的基礎。最後,我們期望藉著藝術家/行動者之間的交流,開闊彼此經驗交流和可能性的互換,及至在未來相互協作,提供一個「東亞諸眾」的平台的可能。
Art/Activist-in-Residence (AAiR) 2013 aims to build up dialogue, networks and platform, for the development of art activism in East Asia. This residence programme will connect artists/ activists with social-political consciousness/practice from Hong Kong and Asia by organizing a series of collaborative activities and exchange programs, e.g. art actions, workshops and talks, linking up the artists/ activists with the local community. AAiR is also a platform for practicing and experimenting social / political art, so as to provide discourse for future study. lastly, by bringing about dialogue among artist and activist, we hope to provide more exchange and discussion, hence possiblities for working together in the future.
curated by Lee Chun-Fung@wooferten
主辦 organized by:活化廳 Wooferten
支持 This project is supported by: 香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Art Development Council